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The corpora cavernosa stay together for the whole of the length of the visible penis and some of the portion inside the body. They diverge in two branches, called crura, for the attachment of the corpora cavernosa to the pelvis.

Dartos Fascia


The smooth muscle sheath which lies below the outer layer of skin.  The dartos fascia has involuntary muscle fibers that are temperature-sensitive. The skin of the scrotum contains these type of muscles, allowing it to contract or expand as needed to regulate the temperature of each testis. The outer layer of skin on the penis shaft and foreskin also has a dartos fascia.

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Further or furthest from the center (of the body); opposed to proximal.  On the penis, it would typically refer to the glans or meatus.

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The back or upper surface of a body, limb, or object; opposed to ventral. When discussing the penis, it refers to the top of the penis as seen from a standing position looking down.  (n.-Dorsum)

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Dorsal Nerves


The terminal branch of the pudendal nerve which connects to the skin of the penis, the foreskin, the corpora cavernosa, and the glans.

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Dorsal Veins (Deep and Superficial)


A pair of large veins that run along the top (dorsal) side of the penis.

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The outer layer of the skin.

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A type of cell that generates long structural proteins that link cells together.

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The soft state of the penis, where it is also the smallest in both length and girth, as opposed to the fully erect penis. Typically, the glans is only fully covered by the foreskin when the penis is flaccid.  See Grower and Shower.

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